neocities sites i enjoy, mutual or otherwise!
the button for the neocities site 'kid with the chemicalz'.the button for the neocities site 'punchy'.the button for the neocities site 'scene queen'.the button for the neocities site 'adilene'.the button for the neocities site 'trans rats'.
the button for the neocities site 'nostalgic'.the button for the neocities site 'cinni'.the button for the neocities site 'sadgrlonline'.the button for the neocities site 'sugar for brains'.the button for the neocities site 'dazed pancakes'.
the button for the neocities site 'sniper tf2'.the button for the neocities site 'usamey'.the button for the neocities site 'molynomials'.the button for the neocities site 'diluculo'.the button for the neocities site 'QED'.
the button for the neocities site 'p3p'.the button for the neocities site 'top hat cats'.the button for the neocities site 'kopawz'.the button for the neocities site 'hunipyon'.the button for the neocities site 'konfetti'.
the button for the neocities site 'satans-cake'.the button for the neocities site 'fools paradise'.the button for the neocities site 'wildsage'.the button for the neocities site 'koinuko'.the button for the neocities site 'severe'.
the button for the neocities site 'android wife'.the button for the neocities site 'ita toys'.the button for the neocities site 'cyber peach'.the button for the neocities site 'bliss net'.the button for the neocities site 'kitty manya'.
the button for the neocities site 'trans bro'.the button for the neocities site 'ratpilled'.
a render of naoto shirogane from official persona 4 art. he is standing with one leg slightly kicked back, and is looking slightly to the right as he raises his hat into the air. part of his left arm is cut off due to how the original piece was drawn.